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Therapy and sanity for ordinary parents of special kids.

Product of the Week — Forever Lazy

Step aside, Snuggie fans. There’s a new product to hit the lounge wear scene — the Forever Lazy. It looks like a Snuggie, but it’s actually an ultra-soft fleece pantsuit.  We have to admit, the Forever Lazy does address some of the design flaws of the Snuggie.  For example, the pant legs offer protection from Snuggie stair accidents. Imperfect studies have shown that 7 out of 10 Snuggie wearers end up tripping down the stairs when they wear their Snuggies to the football stadium (though it could be because someone pushed them).  In addition, the tapered sleeves will help eliminate stove burner accidents.

Rumor has it that the Forever Lazy even comes equipped with a pocket for Bon-Bons. Thus far, the reviews have been stellar. Even the monk community has broken its silence on the new product. “It’s not fair! We had to stay quiet to get our robes. Snuggie people can just pick them up at the store. It’s about time someone did something about that.”

Of course, the best feature is that there are no embarrassing “Snuggie moons,” since the back is fully closed up.

Watch the Forever Lazy video now.

What do you think? Will you purchase a Forever Lazy?

One Response to Product of the Week — Forever Lazy

  1. Schmoopie September 12, 2011 at 6:50 pm #

    Bhwahahahahahhahahahaaha 🙂

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