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Therapy and sanity for ordinary parents of special kids.

Did you know… October is Spina Bifida Awareness Month


If you wouldn’t mind taking a break from your leaf peeping, pumpkin carving, or candy shopping, we’d like to tell you about an important event in October — Spina Bifida Awareness Month. We were shocked to learn that that every day in the United States, an average of 8 births are affected by Spina Bifida or a similar birth defect of the brain and spine.

Here are some facts about Spina Bifida:

·        Spina Bifida remains the most commonly occurring complex birth defect in this country.

·        The root cause of Spina Bifida is unknown and the effects for each person are different.

·        Spina Bifida is a multitude of problems that affect the mind, the body and the spirit.

·        Advancements in treatment and prevention have opened new doors for those with Spina Bifida.

·        While it presents unique challenges, those affected by Spina Bifida are able to attend school, work, raise a family, and spend time with friends just like everyone else.


This year the Spina Bifida Association  hopes to bring to light through pictures the successes of those who live each day with this birth defect.  By launching “Celebrate SB,” a Facebook photo contest <> designed to acknowledge the accomplishments of the Spina Bifida community, people around the country can encourage each other to tell their story through a symbolic photo or favorite frame. These pictures aim to highlight how our community celebrates their lives.  Click  <>for “Celebrate SB” contest rules!

It would warm our imperfect hearts if you could celebrate awareness of Spina Bifida by joining  the Spina Bifida Association on Facebook <

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