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Welcome to Shut Up About Your Perfect Kid

Therapy and sanity for ordinary parents of special kids.

Meet Today’s Guest Blogger – Violeta Flemenbaum

Please join us in welcoming today’s guest blogger — our dear friend Violeta Flemenbaum, who hails from one of our favorite states, Illinois. Violeta is a bilingual interpreter and “mommy to 3 very wonderful children: Antsy pants, Smarty pants, and Monkey pants.” Please take a moment to read Violeta’s Blog, Cynicism Not Allowed Here, and to share the link. You can connect with Violeta on our Facebook page as well.

Cynicism Not Allowed Here by Violeta Flemenbaum

So my son, Antsy Pants, tells me the other day that he wonders why G-d created sweet monsters like Elmo. Yes, that’s right. My child still believes that Elmo, the Tooth Fairy and Spiderman are real. Even though he is almost 10 years old, he still has the innocence of a 6 year old. So much so that he and his younger sisters seem to be on even ground when it comes to that wonderful naivite that was once a part of all of us.

To read more of this blog and other great work from Violeta, click here.




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