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Welcome to Shut Up About Your Perfect Kid

Therapy and sanity for ordinary parents of special kids.

They’re Making Those Interesting Lists Again… Check Them Twice

The holiday season is here! And imperfect parents  from around the globe are reviewing their children’s holiday gift lists and checking them twice…three times…and again…to ensure they are reading them correctly. Because as many parents know, special needs children are quite clever and creative when it comes to their holiday wish lists. And in keeping with our imperfect holiday tradition, we are including some of our favorite items on the 2017 Imperfect Holiday Gift List as shared by members of our imperfect Facebook community

Large-ticket items:

A cruise ship

A semi-tractor trailer truck for him to drive (he’s 7)

A ” VW bug. Life-size.”

A grandfather clock

A robot butler

Scary items:

A Chuckie doll

Lock picks

Pregnant Barbie

A gallon of glue

Duct tape

From the animal world:

A real baby bull

A real jellyfish

A shark

A chicken

Household-related items:

The Clapper

A dust-buster

An alarm clock in military time

A telegraph machine

Somewhat Impractical:

A Vladimir Putin bobblehead

A dunk tank


GE stock



Sparkling cranberry juice

20 oz. of milk

A case of Red Bull

Barbecue sauce

Campbell’s chicken noodle soup

Do you have a fun and imperfect item you’d like to add to the list?  

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